Description | Example | Return Message | Group(s)

SCHED: NewAssignment


SCHED / NewAssignment '<TaskId>' <Optional ShrinkToTimeslot> <StartTime> <StopTime> '<AssignmentPossibilityName>'


The SCHED NewAssignment Connect command creates a new assignment for a task with ID "TaskId" in the active schedule.


  • TaskId: This parameter is a string of text in single quotes of the task ID for which to create a new assignment.
  • Optional ShrinkToTimeslot: An optional parameter: use ShrinkToTimeslot to automatically increase the assignment start times and decrease the assignment stop times so that they do not overrun timeslot boundaries.
  • StartTime: The format is YYYY/MM/DD_HH:MM:SS or YYYY/MM/DD_HH:MM:SS.fff for the assignment's start time.
  • StopTime: The format is YYYY/MM/DD_HH:MM:SS or YYYY/MM/DD_HH:MM:SS.fff for the assignment's stop time.
  • AssignmentPossibilityName: The comma delimited list wrapped in single quotes of resources to use for this assignment. This is required for assignment creation.


Example 1

Creates a new assignment for a task named DemoTask in the active schedule
SCHED / NewAssignment 'DemoTask' 2022/11/21_03:00:00 2022/11/21_03:10:00 'resA,resB'

<CommandName>SCHED / NewAssignment

Example 2

Creates a new assignment for a task named DemoTask in the active schedule and increases the specified StartTime value and/or decreases the specified StopTime value as applicable to fit within the task's timeslots.
SCHED / NewAssignment 'DemoTask' ShrinkToTimeslot 2022/11/21_03:00:00 2022/11/21_03:10:00 'resA,resB'

<CommandName>SCHED / NewAssignment

Return Message

If successful, Connect returns an acknowledgment message and the new assignment's ID.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):


